Adaptive Software for the heTerogeneous Edge-Cloud-Continuum /
Adaptiv programvara för heterogena Edge-Cloud-system


ASTECC is a 5-year cooperative research project in software systems, starting in December 2022, and located at the Department of Computer and Information Science at Linköping University, Sweden.

It is funded in the Future Software Systems research programme by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF).

The project investigates methods for the design, automated orchestration and dynamic adaptation of software to enable its autonomous, efficient and secure execution in dynamic, heterogeneous, distributed device-edge-cloud environments, i.e., in multi-provider, multi-service, and multi-criteria scenarios, without relying on a global resource manager.

Key techniques to investigate towards a holistic solution include: (1) novel software design techniques for advanced run-time adaptivity, based on extended micro-service interfaces and workflows, including flexible specification of security and fault-tolerance requirements; (2) new techniques for runtime monitoring, analysis and automated modeling of key properties to support distributed dynamic orchestration and adaptivity; (3) new dynamic prediction techniques and a distributed dynamic orchestration and resource manager for the edge-cloud continuum that also manages autonomous migration; and (4) new techniques for cross-layer optimization and automated analysis of trade-offs regarding quality of service, performance, energy usage, cost, security, and fault tolerance.

Four research groups with complementary expertise work together to develop and prototype generic and domain-specific techniques, and demonstrate their value in four different use cases in strategic domains for Swedish industry with software-intensive products: Computer networks and applications they enable; smart energy grids; aviation; and automotive.




Presentations (selection) and Preprints


This research project is financially supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF).
Detta forskningsprojekt finansieras av Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning (SSF)

Page responsible: Christoph Kessler, PI.